Can you imagine the thought of a day spa or art studio without music playing in the background? Or do you enter a retail store and wonder why music isn’t playing overhead? Would movies be nearly as memorable without a killer soundtrack? We have come to expect to hear music playing in certain environments. Ever wonder why that is?
Chakras are considered the wheels of power where universal energy enters the human body. To learn more about the seven major chakras, you can read my previous blog post HERE.
The sacral (or second) chakra is linked to a woman’s reproductive system. It is also the center of creative expression, emotions, sexuality, relationships, pleasure, and fun.
Twenty-seven years ago (almost to the exact date), my boyfriend at the time drove me into New York City for a symposium on Endometriosis – an illness I’d been suffering from for almost two years.
Maybe you’re not old enough to have seen the commercials featuring a harried “housewife” sinking into a tubful of bubbles uttering the words “Calgon, take me away”, but the sentiment is exactly what this post is all about. Self-care is critical to our mind-body-spirit health and wellness and simple daily rituals - or weekly if you truly are harried and pressed for time – can make a huge difference over the long term. Read on to learn some simple self-care rituals - and the dangers of not practicing them that I experienced.....
Natural Wellness, Inspiring Creativity
AuthorSusan Heidi Filardo Click on the Image above to learn more about my self-help workshop.
Moon Symbolism to Guide Your Intentions & Actions
Full Moon share, socialize, manifest Waning Moon review, feedback, objectivity, release Dark/New Moon beginnings, renewal Waxing Moon momentum, inspiration, growth Archives
August 2020
After a great deal of research, I decided on studying Clinical Herbalism with the Herbal Academy of New England to enrich my knowledge of the production and use of herbal products.
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