[UPDATE 14 APRIL 2020: With the onset of COVID-19 and the related Social Distancing and business closures, the information in this post seems more relevant than ever! Scroll down to the middle of the article for a downloadable pdf #stayathome #stopthespread]
I don’t know about you, but one of the biggest challenges I’m facing lately is managing the stress in my life. This may surprise you, because I have a lot of experience with energy work, follow a daily exercise routine, and eat really healthy. Isn’t that enough? Well, for the most part it is, but there are still times when I need a little extra support.
UPDATED 15 APRIL 2020: With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing restrictions, mind-body balance practices are more important than ever! Read on to learn more about the importance of chakras and download your FREE guide....
You have probably heard a lot about chakras lately – it seems like everywhere you look they are talked about as the key to “raising your vibration”, being more mindful, or even drawing more abundance into your life. Let’s dig a little into learning what chakras are and how you can keep yours optimized to fuel your creative projects!
UPDATE: 21 April 2020
When this article was written back in 2017, this world was a much different place. The blog was targeted primarily at creatives like myself - who find themselves working alone much of the time and need support from time to time to stay focused and energized. In today's world of COVID-19 #stayathome directives, many more people are forced to work from home, making this information equally relevant but perhaps more universally needed than ever before. Read on to learn about 10 Essential Oils that are scientifically proven to increase your energy and mental clarity - two things we can all use more of during these days of quarantine and indefinite social distancing orders. WHY HERBALISM?In my energy balancing work, I've found that many people are interested in using herbal remedies instead of synthetic supplements. Unfortunately, herbal products are not regulated in the United States, being readily available with little direction for the untrained consumer. I know from experience and that of my clients that herbal remedies are extremely powerful and beneficial when the right ones specific to your needs are used properly.
Natural Wellness, Inspiring Creativity
AuthorSusan Heidi Filardo Click on the Image above to learn more about my self-help workshop.
Moon Symbolism to Guide Your Intentions & Actions
Full Moon share, socialize, manifest Waning Moon review, feedback, objectivity, release Dark/New Moon beginnings, renewal Waxing Moon momentum, inspiration, growth Archives
August 2020
After a great deal of research, I decided on studying Clinical Herbalism with the Herbal Academy of New England to enrich my knowledge of the production and use of herbal products.
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